Jesse Stattler, a shop tech at our Columbia, South Carolina branch has been with our company for two years. Like a lot of mechanics, Jesse learned the trade of being a mechanic from his dad, who was a part time mechanic on the side. Jesse started his professional mechanic career after high school, about 15 years ago. He started out in automotive and worked his way to heavy Diesel engines, until he came on board with MAY-RHI, and learned to work on heavy equipment.

Jesse told us, “I just love fixing stuff. You learn something different all the time. You never get bored.”

When Jesse isn’t fixing machines, he shows off his talent as a skilled guitar player, singer and overall musician. Jesse plays in two bands on the weekends. One is a rock band called Cydtrax and the other is a Metallica tribute band called King Nothing.

We are fortunate to have Jesse’s hands on skills in our shop!